
Uau akoma i perdorni Antenat ? Sigurisht

Arrijme atje ku nuk arrin fibra. Te lidhim te palidhurit.

Fale nje investimi shume te madh, te shtrire nder vite si dhe fale kesaj eksperjence shumevjecare arrjime sot me bindje qe tu themi se PO ne kemi sherbim atje ku ju nuk e imagjinoni ne qarkun tone sepse ne mundemi nepermjet rrjetit tone Wifi Fiks ose FWA. 

Cfare eshte wifi ?  FWA ?

FWA  do te thote Fiks Wireless Acess ose ne Shqip  Lidhje Fikse me Vale

Ne aktualisht ofrojme sherbim per nje numer te madh klientesh por edhe institucionesh nepermjet rrjetit tone wifi . Tashme i konsoliduar nder vite ky rrjet ofron nje qendrueshmeri te larte dhe nje sherbim qe ne shume raste nuk mund te zgjidhet me fiber , here per arsye mbulimi e here e arsye sigurie. 

  • Ndoshta do habiteni por nje sistem monitorimi me kamera do te ishte me i sigurte me FWA wifi krahasuar me fiber per shkak se kabli eshte lehtesisht i cenueshem.

Ne do te thoni se me FWA wifi shpejtesia eshte e ulet krahasuar me fiber do tju them se shumica prej nesh perdor thjesht telefon celular me wifi e kesisoj edhe lidhja juaj me modemin nuk eshte dhe aq e larte 🙂 sepse eshte wifi. 

Per te qene ekzakt gjithcka varent nga kerkesa. Nga eksperienca them se wifi eshte akoma valid ne treg dhe ne shume raste e pazevendesueshme sepse ofron nje siguri me te larte se kabli qofte kjo adsl coax apo fiber si edhe nje vecori fituese qe e karakterizon eshte fakti qe kablli.  aktualisht nuk shkon ne cdo dere. 

  • Sot do tju them me bindje : merr ate qe duhet atje ku duhet .
Whole Home WiFi

Delivering fast, reliable WiFi throughout your home.

Standard WiFi Router

Get the right modem for your speed and a router.

Modem Only WiFi

Including full 24/7 support and upgrades as needed.


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There are plenty of reasons to choose NetFx as your ISP (internet service provider.) NetFx Internet is #1 in customer satisfaction over other major cable Internet providers1. With NetFx you’ll also enjoy 99% reliability and experience

There are plenty of reasons to choose NetFx as your ISP (internet service provider.) NetFx Internet is #1 in customer satisfaction over other major cable Internet providers1. With NetFx you’ll also enjoy 99% reliability and experience

There are plenty of reasons to choose NetFx as your ISP (internet service provider.) NetFx Internet is #1 in customer satisfaction over other major cable Internet providers1. With NetFx you’ll also enjoy 99% reliability and experience

There are plenty of reasons to choose NetFx as your ISP (internet service provider.) NetFx Internet is #1 in customer satisfaction over other major cable Internet providers1. With NetFx you’ll also enjoy 99% reliability and experience

There are plenty of reasons to choose NetFx as your ISP (internet service provider.) NetFx Internet is #1 in customer satisfaction over other major cable Internet providers1. With NetFx you’ll also enjoy 99% reliability and experience